Stop Talking.
As I work behind my computer screen and on my phone, I am on social media A LOT. I see photoshopped this and fake bodies and a "transformation tuesday" that is really just someone sucking their tummy in. (INSERT EYE ROLL) Or someone shouting "I WORKED OUT", in a FB post, when really they just touched the treadmill or put on workout clothes. Facebook and Instagram and other social media sites are so deceptive and very alluring places to want to TALK a lot and basically, not do shit (aka nothing)
I hope and pray that people posting all their beliefs so passionately on Facebook, especially in regards to the socio-economic and political spheres etc-- are ACTUALLY LIVING OUT in ACTIONS what their posts are screaming that they believe. Of course, myself included. Please, let's don't just get caught up in they hype of "one side or the other" without DOING SOMETHING.
I mean, that's what's so sneaky about social media.
Traditionally, actions speak louder than words, but in the noisy social media world, sadly, they don't. WORDS, especially well crafted hateful or "eff you", "I hate the world", "you all suck and I'm right" type of posts speak MUCH louder than the behind the scenes actions that people don't see.
I discipline myself to only share the actions I have ACTUALLY taken with social media, or what I am ABOUT to do for accountability, or ACTUALLY do it LIVE!!!
I've been torn apart in my soul over these last 4 months with the climate in America, especially about "where is my stance on this issue", "what should I post?" "Do I need to say anything on social media?" "What do I need to DO."
I am a passionate woman. I've marched, waved signs, stood in protest, spoke in a governmental public forum and I believed in everything about what I did. With all the recent world happenings, I've struggled to find WHAT I believe, how to react, what to do and share and say.
I have been convicted and am striving to DO MORE and ACT MORE ... more than what I post. That's why you all SEE ME working out in my posts, SEE my daily disciplines, SEE the results from my clients. I wanna SPEAK with my actions. Love with my actions, not by just "sharing an already viral video".
DECIDE how you want to ACT, then DO THAT. Don't go with the flow, decide for yourself!
I'm involved with an on the "DL" kind of project, just with myself, to take on some of these nasty world issues. My heart hurts for this world. My heart hurts for the people who need love. Who are forgotten and lonely. Love you all, and may you love more like Jesus, act more, do more, speak about the actions and be authentic and passionate and belief driven. Blessings and good night.
So, stop talking before you DO something. Let's do more together.